Male Depression, as the name suggests relates to men only. However, this type of depression is not something different from the normal depression term we are acquainted with. However, negligence on the part of men has made it a very grievous problem.
Men tend to have the attitude that nothing can deter them and they are strong enough to face such problems. However, this negligence in the long term aggravates the problem and makes it a chronic problem. Thus, nowadays the problem of male depression stands as a different category of depression as it needs special attention.
Men tend to hide their problems from health care specialists because of the overconfidence that, they can tackle the problem themselves and these further exacerbates the condition.
Symptoms Of Male Depression
Depression in its basic sense is a sudden attack of acute mental illness characterized by depression and anxiety. This term is often related to a mental breakdown or a nervous breakdown. However, these terminologies are not according to the medical terminologies.
Male depression is a similar kind of depression with some of the basic symptoms that are also found in other depression states. Though the symptoms of male depression are also similar to female depression, but it is different in some of the areas. Precisely, the symptoms of male depression are
- Violent behavior – One of the most commonly found symptoms in men, affected by male depression, is the increasing percentage of violent behavior. They tend to react very violently to everything.
- Loss of Weight – Another most distinctly visible symptom is the loss of weight. This loss of weight is quite abnormal and is regarded as a symptom because the weight gets reduced automatically without any workout.
- Loss of concentration – Lack of concentration in everything is also a very visible and remarkable difference one can find in this state. It is characterized by the lack of alertness and forgetting simple things in a very short span of time.
- Thoughts of Suicide – One of the most hidden symptoms of this problem are the suicidal thoughts that arise in the heart and mind of the affected person. The affected person can only know this symptom. So it becomes very difficult for the other person to determine.
These are some of the important symptoms that are found in a person affected by male depression.Apart from these, headaches, digestive disorders, alcohol abuse and isolation from family and friends are some of the general symptoms seen in an affected person.